We left our italian house the 1st April at 5.00 am, the flight was at 7.00 am.
The flight Verona- Paris was with Airfrance by Regional a small plane with 50 seats... a really coach -plane! you could feel every single movement of the plane in a very strong way, but we survived and we arrived on time for the connection Paris-Toronto.
The second part of the trip was perfect, Air France gave us the vegetarian meals we asked two months before during our booking, and we arrived in Toronto at 13.15 pm (local time) or 19.15 pm (italian time). Six hours of difference!
The first thing we noticed here in Toronto is that you can't joke with the police! you can't say anything if they don't ask you something. At the first check-point in the airport there was an indian guy that wasn't able to answer very well to the policemen's questions, because his english wasn't so good, and I think he is still there!
So after 4 check-points, the immigration office, that gave us the working-holiday visa, and a last check-point after the baggage claim, we finally went out the airport!
We got in a taxi and we arrived at our new house (you can see a picture of the house in this post) at about 15.30 (local time), or 21.30 (italian time).
The area is very nice and we are at about 8/10 km from the downtown.
What about the jet lag? We tried to be awake until the evening, but you know when it's almost 20 hours that you are awake , it's not so easy....
I (Giulia) went to bed at 19.30 (1.30 am italian time) and michele at 20.00 (2.00 am italian time).
Here you can see when we woke up the days after:
2nd April: 4.30 am
3rd April: 5.00 am
4th April: 5.30 am
5th April: 6.30 am
and 6th April.... 7.30am!!! Yes, we did it!!!